The Homoeopathic Physician's Guide to Lactation

I enjoy the unique perspective of being a Homoeopath as well as a Lactation Consultant and have worked extensively with mothers and babies for over 50 years.

During this time, I have amassed a wealth of clinical experience in dealing with all manner of clinical issues relating to breasts and lactation.

So, it is my desire, in the writing of this book, to share some of this knowledge with my colleagues and I attempt to bring some up-to-date perspectives to a subject which, in homœopathic literature, tends to be perceived from an archaic and, occasionally, a somewhat erroneous perspective.

In 2002 I supervised the proving of Lac Maternum. My clinical experience in lactation and birth as well as my extensive work with Lac Humanum gives me the ability to differentiate between these two remedies made from human milk, the appropriate milk for Homo Sapiens. I give insight into how these two very important sarcodes complement one another and how they serve to assist all humans to maximise their potential.

The "Breastfeeding" segment contains the Appendix from my book. Please feel free to download the Preface. It will give you an idea of why I wrote the book and, hopefully, will leave you wanting more!

CHAPTER 9 has been included in the Published Articles section and is for researchers who are interested in a synoptic Materia Medica and DD of LacCaninum; Lac Humanum and Lac Maternum.

Available at your favourite homoeopathic bookstore software distributor or purchase an autographed copy on-line here.
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Book Reviews

Homoeopathy NewZ
Patricia Hatherly, mother of three, Lactation Consultant, homoeopath and prover of Lac Maternum, passes on the wealth of her considerable experience and research in her book The Homoeopathic Physician's Guide to Lactation.

In it she discusses all aspects of lactation, for both mother and child, from a homoeopathic viewpoint. She covers basic anatomy and physiology, as well as the biochemistry and immunology of mother's milk. She offers convincing evidence that supports one's instinctive feeling that human milk is best for the human baby.

The lactation process, its advantages and its possible problems, are discussed at length with many references to homoeopathic, dietary as well as other solutions, such as correct positioning. The suckling infant, its constitution, and its possible feeding problems such as reflux, colic, lactose intolerance etc. are discussed, as well as special care circumstances and their treatment.

Although the book is not intended for lay-persons as such, mothers will find much useful information, particularly in conjunction with their homoeopathic treatment. A quick reference guide in the appendices, sample menu plans, recommended reading list, and an extensive index make the book user-friendly.

Of special interest to homoeopaths is the differentiation between the Lacs: Lac Caninum; Lac Humanum and Lac Maternum, as well as interesting cases and insights.

This book is thoroughly researched and highly readable – a must for every serious homoeopath.

Deborah Collins MD RCHom

Homoeopathy NewZ August 2004
Informed Choice
Journal Of Human Lactation
Homoeopathic Links
The Hompath
American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine
Patricia Hatherly
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)

Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre


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